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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Slow eating reduces weight

The Telegraph - Indian Newspapers in English Language from Kolkatta (Calcutta) India.
Mothers right about slow eating, say scientists

New York, July 8 (Reuters): Your mother was right when she told you to take the time to chew your food. Eating slowly, research suggests, can encourage people to eat less, and enjoy the meal more.

Researchers found that when they had 30 young women eat a lunch of pasta, tomatoes and cheese, the diners consumed an average of 70 fewer calories when they ate the meal slowly.

The findings give scientific support to a long recommended weight-control tactic, the researchers report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The theory has been that a leisurely dining pace allows time for the body’s natural fullness signals to kick in, explains Ana M. Andrade. Stomach distension and changes in several appetite-related hormones, for example, alert the body that it's time to stop eating. But these processes take time.

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